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Dynamically Load I18n Language Packs


FlyEnv version 4.9.1 and above supports dynamic loading of local I18n language packs. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to create and use custom language packs.


  1. Ensure FlyEnv is upgraded to version 4.9.1 or higher
  2. Basic JSON file editing skills are required

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Access Language Settings

  • Navigate to SettingsSetting
  • The language settings area contains two buttons:
    • Load Local Language Pack: Refreshes and loads language packs
    • Open Language Pack Folder: Accesses the language pack directory

Language Settings Interface

2. Create a Language Pack

  1. Click Open Language Pack Folder
  2. View the example language pack structure

Example Language Pack Folder

  1. Duplicate the example folder (recommended to rename using target language code, e.g., jp for Japanese)

Language Pack Folder Example

  1. Modify the index.json file:
      "lang": "jp",
      "label": "日本語"

3. Translate Language Files

Edit JSON translation files, such as base.json:

  "add": "追加",
  "open": "開く",
  "enable": "有効",
  "disable": "無効",
  // Other translation items...

4. Load and Use Language Packs

  1. Return to FlyEnv and click Load Local Language Pack
  2. Select the newly added language from the dropdown menu

Language Selection Interface

  1. The interface will immediately switch to the selected language

Japanese Interface Example

5. Debugging and Updates

  • After modifying translation files, click Load Local Language Pack again to refresh
  • View changes in real-time

Best Practices

  1. Backup: Always backup original files before making changes
  2. Incremental Translation: Start with frequently used terms and expand gradually
  3. Version Control: Use Git to manage translation files

Share Your Translations

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Important Notes

  • Recommended language pack folder naming: standard language codes (e.g., en, jp, zh)
  • Ensure JSON format remains correct when editing files
  • Only modify values, do not change key names